With 2020 fading further into our rearview and the pandemic hopefully moving in that same direction, we here at Parasec are excited at the prospect of things returning to “normal.” As the national sales manager, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face with many of you during my tenure with Parasec. I’m hopeful that in the near future my team and I will be able to start meeting with clients like you again (and not via Zoom or some other online platform). After a year where the words, “pandemic,” “unprecedented” and “uncertainty” became commonplace, it is my sincere hope that those terms will go the way of the dodo and some sense of normalcy will return.
If you haven’t spoken with a member of my team in the past, our regional accounts managers fill a variety of roles including product knowledge, quality control, and research and development. I often say that if you need something once a year, it’s likely we have other clients who probably need it daily and just haven’t thought to ask. While we’re in this transition period between “life as usual” and the lingering travel restrictions, I implore you to take advantage of your regional accounts manager for a phone or video meeting. We can answer questions about different divisions and services within the company, provide tutorials on our website and shed light on the free services therein that you may not know are available to you and your company. We’re also available to simply discuss the state of corporate formations in this quasi-post-pandemic world.
As restrictions on travel and face-to-face meetings are relaxed, my team may again begin offering to stop by and visit your office to learn more about your business. Every firm, company, or business does things slightly differently, and as the only employee-owned provider in our vertical my team prides itself on knowing everything about our clients that we can. This allows us to assist you by keeping you in the loop on changes in laws, different service offerings, and a myriad of other information.
If and when you are comfortable having one of my team stop in with some tchotchkes and to discuss our business and yours, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Industry News
Montana: County Clerk Recording Fee Increase
Effective July 1, 2021, House Bill 49 (Chapter 226) increases the per-page filing fee for documents submitted to county clerks for recording. The additional revenue is to be allocated to county and state land information accounts. Read the specifics regarding the fee increase here.
National Association of Secretaries of State: #BizSchemeSOS Initiative
The National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) recently launched an information awareness effort called #BizSchemeSOS in order to better alert the public of misleading scams targeting businesses. The initiative highlights Secretaries of State as the authoritative source of business information and emphasizes the role they play in warning the public and business owners about various scams. Misleading solicitations are fairly common and have been reported in numerous states throughout the years. While scams can come in many forms, many we have been made aware of are misleading mailings that appear to be official government documents. The mailings typically instruct businesses to submit a payment for assistance in meeting state filing requirements; however, the services offered are usually unnecessary or can be done for a much smaller fee. The #BizSchemeSOS promotion will occur on the NASS social media pages. To read more about the new initiative, go here.
Nebraska: Fee Increases for Certain Filings
Effective July 1, 2021, certain Business Services Division filing fees will see an increase as a result of Legislative Bill 910. One of the goals of the fee restructuring is to help promote consistency and uniformity with business filing fees. To read the bill in its entirety, visit here.
Various States: Annual/Biennial Report Due Dates
The states listed below have annual reports due in the coming months. Don’t miss a deadline or you may be subject to penalties and reinstatement fees. For assistance maintaining your annual report compliance, inquire about our managed annual report services. Email us at annualreports@myparacorp.com for more information.
July 1 – WV: Corporations, nonprofit corporations & LLCs
July 2 – AK: Nonprofit corporations
August 1 – AR: Nonprofit corporations; ND: Domestic corporations
August 31 – MO: Nonprofit corporations
Parasec Updates
Fore Good! Golf Tournament
On June 23, 2021, members of the Parasec Putters golf team teed off at the Fore Good! Golf Tournament, which took place at the Teal Bend Golf Club in Sacramento, CA. Parasec was the presenting sponsor of this year’s event, which raised funds for the Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center. The non-profit organization provides social services including after-school groups and summer day camps for children, a teen center for youth, and a comprehensive senior center. To learn how you can help support the Stanford Settlement Neighborhood Center, visit them online at http://www.stanfordsettlement.org.
Appointing Us as Your Registered Agent? Be Sure to Let Us Know!
Since 1987, we have offered dependable commercial registered agent service to hundreds of thousands of entities. Many clients come directly to us when appointing us as their registered agent; however, sometimes we are appointed without notification. Most states will not notify us of our appointment, and those that do provide very little information other than an entity name. In order to best serve our clients, it is extremely important that we be notified when appointed as registered agent. If you do decide to designate us as your registered agent, please let us know by reaching out to our team at paracorp@myparacorp.com. If you’d like to learn more about Parasec’s registered agent service, our team is also available to answer any questions you may have.